How to Pack Loose Powder for Travel

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Of course, you want to wait practiced on vacation, but your makeup can accept up a lot of space. Follow my tips to downsize your makeup for travel and you lot'll still be able to go carry-on only!

Downsize Makeup for Travel

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Like toiletries, makeup can take up a lot of space in your carry-on and weigh information technology down. Notwithstanding, that doesn't mean you can't take your favorites with you. It's all about curating a travel-friendly makeup listing and routine.

Because a lot of readers have asked me how I travel with makeup, I thought I'd share how I downsize my everyday makeup to a simpler travel routine. (I also share my skincare routine in this post and how I brand information technology piece of work for travel.)

Cheque out the video below to run into how I organize my makeup items and become them downsized for a trip!

Watch this video to acquire how I downsize my makeup for travel!

To beginning, I find information technology's all-time to lay out all of your makeup so you can meet everything you normally utilise. Make sure your makeup bag is nearby so y'all tin can start packing it. That way you tin organize and pack as you go.

And then let's brainstorm, check out how I downsize my own makeup so I can however employ my favorite products when I travel!

Watch this video nigh my travel beauty essentials!

My Tips to Downsizing Your Makeup Routine for Travel


Decant Foundation and Concealer

 At abode, I keep two foundations — one pre-vacation and one post-holiday option. Simply when I travel, I only have 1. Even though my foundation bottles are pretty small and travel-friendly, it'southward still mode more than I actually need for a holiday. Plus, it's glass, which adds weight to my makeup bag.


 Wowlife Container Tubes

So, I decant my foundation into a minor plastic tube like this one from Wowlife, every bit it makes it more user-friendly for applying on the get. Call up, every little bit of space and weight counts. It adds up quickly. I would merely accept my total-size foundation container if I were planning on traveling for a calendar month or longer.


MAC Longwear Concealer: Amazon | Nordstrom | K.A.C | ULTA

I do the same for my MAC concealer . Fifty-fifty though information technology's just ix ml, information technology's still more than than I need. I use a much smaller travel container and add simply enough to last for my trip. This as well is helpful in case I lose my makeup/toieltires handbag. I would still take makeup at dwelling and wouldn't have lost everything.


Travel Makeup Tips: Customize Powder

If you use a loose pulverisation, you lot may choose to cascade some into a smaller container. However, I use a pressed powder from MAC . There is no like shooting fish in a barrel way to have only part of it, and information technology'southward already in a convenient container. Plus, it likewise has a mirror, so I tin do my makeup on the become!


MAC Studio Fix Powder: Nordstrom | Chiliad.A.C | ULTA

For blush, I similar to use smaller size containers . I apply a more universal colour and so I but have to take 1 that will piece of work with any expect.


MAC Times Eyeshadow Palette: Amazon | Nordstrom | Thousand.A.C | ULTA

For eye makeup, I similar the custom palettes from MAC . They come up in small pods, and because yous customize them, you only have to travel with the colors you lot actually use. I have a custom palette with four shades—two for daytime and two for dark looks.

Create a capsule makeup drove for travel!


Downsize Makeup With Travel-Sized Mascara

I always travel with waterproof mascara considering it's one of the best products for helping you look refreshed and awake. I usually take a travel-sized tube because you can't really decant mascara.


Also Faced Better Than Sex activity Mascara: Amazon | ULTA | Sephora

Plus, mascara is only fresh for a few months, and I discover travel-sized tubes tin can last for at least a month or ii until I need to buy a new ane. Check out more best waterproof mascara options!


Choose Double-Sided Makeup Brushes

Bringing a agglomeration of brushes tin be a pain. Instead of having many dissimilar eyeshadow brushes, I just use one that's double-sided. My favorite is from EcoTools , and information technology'due south one of the best multi-use makeup tools.


EcoTools Duo Brush Set: Amazon | Walmart | Target

I'm not a big eyeshadow and contouring kind of person, and then yous might need to take a few more things. I've downsized it merely to i double-sided brush. I might desire to take one more brush, and have another double-sided i, and then I can only mix and match, and use things accordingly.


Consider the Best Blazon of Eyeliner

Everyone has their favorite eyeliner, whether it's liquid, gel, or pencil. I notice gel eyeliner can exist too messy for travel, and liquid eyeliner takes more time to utilize. Pencil liner is the near user-friendly for when you're on the go.


Trish McEvoy Archetype Eye Pencil: Nordstrom

I like to accept a pencil eyeliner , so that means I also need to pack a sharpener. Information technology'south definitely no fun having a dull eye pencil or information technology breaks on you unexpectedly, so don't forget this!

These are the all-time not-smudge eyeliners , perfect for air travel!


Get Travel-Size Lipstick

I don't ordinarily travel with lipsticks, just if yous want to, you could e'er get a travel-size version instead of having the bigger one. Hither'due south a robust list of the best long-lasting lipstick that works for travel. I know some people also might even cutting off the top office of the lipstick and decant it into a smaller container.


Smashbox Travel Size Lipstick: Amazon | smashbox | ULTA

While I don't travel with lipstick, I e'er have my lip gloss and one lip pencil . If you wanted to take primer, I would decant it. As I don't utilize primer very often, I'm okay with leaving it backside when I travel.


Try Stick Sunscreen

I always wear sunscreen, even if it's non sunny out, because information technology's meliorate to exist safe than sorry. Information technology's all-time to get in the habit of always applying it, and then you don't forget when you really do need it. Even on cloudy days, I've gotten burned or had too much UV exposure, so I try to prepare now.


Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen: Amazon

I like Neutrogena's stick formula. Every bit a traveler, information technology's smashing when I can reduce the corporeality of liquid products I apply. This stick formula is and then user-friendly for travel, and I can use it on my face and body.

If you lot utilize a lot of sunscreen or you lot're planning a beach holiday, this might be a good item to buy at your destination. And so, you won't have to downsize information technology or pack information technology!


Remove Makeup With a Glove

When I'm traveling, I utilize a makeup remover glove that is liquid-free, meaning they don't take up valuable existent estate in your 3-1-1 bag. Plus, it'south reusable and chemical-free, making them an environmentally-friendly selection for skincare.


Kiki & Josie Makeup Remover Glove: Amazon

My fave is the Kiki & Josie glove and it comes in tons of beautiful colors. All I use is water and the glove does the rest, because the glove'south fibers actually break up the oils and makeup on the skin's surface, and can gently remove debris or oil. But, if you really prefer wipes or cleansers, check out our post on that!


BAGSMART Cosmetics and Toiletry Bag: Amazon

Downsize Your Travel Beauty Bag

Ultimately, all of these items volition easily fit into my makeup and toiletry bag. Keeping all of my makeup in one minor purse saves me space, weight, and keeps me more than organized.

Ane of my favorites is the BAGSMART toiletry pocketbook . It's really meaty, however I can fit everything I need in it. As well, information technology's very durable. I've had it for a while, and it's been holding up super well!


OFADD Travel Size Toiletry Set: Amazon

When it comes to large items, they are decanted into smaller travel pots and tubes like this OFADD gear up higher up. Other items I don't use every bit often are left at home, every bit I don't need them for travel.

And remember, whatever liquids you pack volition need to be separated out into a quart-size clear, plastic bag to meet the TSA 3-i-1 liquids rule . After you reach your destination, you lot can put these into your makeup and/or toiletry bags.

Those are my tips, I hope these aid you downsize makeup and travel lighter!

Check out the best toiletry and makeup bags for travel

What is your favorite tip to downsize your makeup for travel? Comment below!

For more on makeup and toiletries for travel, please read:

  • How to Make Your Makeup Last All Day
  • ten Airplane Dazzler Tips: How to Await Practiced After a Long Booty Flight
  • Travel Beauty Hacks
  • Best Makeup Palettes for Travel



We hope you lot enjoyed this article about how I downsize my makeup for travel. Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! Thank y'all for reading!

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